
Current and future large redshift surveys, as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (SDSS-IV/eBOSS) or the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), will use emission-line galaxies (ELG) to probe cosmological models by mapping the large-scale structure of the Universe in the redshift range $0.6 < z < 1.7$. With current data, we explore the halo-galaxy connection by measuring three clustering properties of $g$-selected ELGs as matter tracers in the redshift range $0.6 < z < 1$: (i) the redshift-space two-point correlation function using spectroscopic redshifts from the BOSS ELG sample and VIPERS; (ii) the angular two-point correlation function on the footprint of the CFHT-LS; (iii) the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal around the ELGs using the CFHTLenS. We interpret these observations by mapping them onto the latest high-resolution MultiDark Planck N-body simulation, using a novel (Sub)Halo-Abundance Matching technique that accounts for the ELG incompleteness. ELGs at $z\sim0.8$ live in halos of $(1\pm 0.5)\times10^{12}\,h^{-1}$M$_{\odot}$ and 22.5$\pm2.5$% of them are satellites belonging to a larger halo. The halo occupation distribution of ELGs indicates that we are sampling the galaxies in which stars form in the most efficient way, according to their stellar-to-halo mass ratio.

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