
In recent year, stock investor in Indonesia increased rapidly, so it is required to do analysis about the stock that helps the investor in their investment plan. Clustering is beneficial to select the appropriate stock for investors. Unfortunately, stock prices keep varying from time to time. Consequently, it is not an easy work to select the stock for investment. In addition, stock price time series data are high dimensional data that influenced by many factors. In this study, high dimensional data are obtained by the time frame of each factor. Therefore, it is important to use a suitable technique to cluster high dimensional data. This paper presents High Dimensional Data Clustering (HDDC), a model-based clustering based on Gaussian Mixture Model, using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. HDDC via EM algorithm gives a more robust result, and it possible to make an additional assumption. Moreover, this paper combines a high-dimensional clustering technique HDDC via EM algorithm and the most popular feature extraction technique Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This paper comparing methods of clustering technique HDDC and the combination between HDDC and PCA to know the most effective method which gives better result in clustering high-dimensional time series data. The 155 data features are reduced to 7 principal components using PCA analysis. Despite PCA has increased the time efficiency of building the model, clustering technique HDDC via EM algorithm enables to handle the high-dimensional data better than the combination with PCA.

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