
This study aims to determine whether placental examination can be used to distinguish between pathologic fetal growth restriction (FGR) and constitutional fetal smallness. Data were extracted from a clinicoplacental database of high risk pregnancies during the period 1994–2013. These data were used to compare the 590 consecutive cases having birth weights below the 10th percentile with the 5201 remaining cases having gestational ages ≥20 weeks. The authors analyzed 20 clinical and 46 placental phenotypes using classical statistics, clustering analysis, and multidimensional scaling. Of the low-birth-weight babies, the following types of cases were compared:•246 cases with the clinical risk factors most discriminative for FGR were compared with 344 cases without these risk factors (gestational hypertension or severe preeclampsia, maternal substance abuse and/or smoking, oligohydramnios, and abnormal umbilical artery Dopplers), and•196 early-onset cases were compared with 394 late-onset cases.Four categories of placental phenotypes (those with features of poor uteroplacental perfusion, postuterine placental pathology, chronic inflammation, and a mixed category) better defined the presumably true FGR than did the clinical phenotypes. Maternal smoking and oligohydramnios were associated with fewer abnormal placental phenotypes than were maternal hypertensive diseases and abnormal Dopplers. Early-onset cases of fetal smallness clustered with placental features of poor uteroplacental perfusion, whereas late onset cases did not. Placental examination helps to retrospectively distinguish constitutionally small fetuses from those that are pathologically growth restricted. The latter correlate best with the clinical risk for FGR and with early-onset FGR. This correlation may have prognostic significance for the child and for future pregnancies, since hypoxic placental lesions can occur without clinical risk factors but with a tendency to recur in future pregnancies.

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