
AbstractConflict with humans is a severe threat to critically endangered Sumatran tigers Panthera tigris sumatrae. To better inform human‐tiger conflict (HTC) management in Aceh, Sumatra, we analysed 96 cases of HTC reported to, and verified by, local government authorities between 2017 and 2021. Livestock depredation (49%) and people reporting fear or anxiety upon tiger sightings (39%) comprised most incidents. We found significant differences in the frequency of HTC cases among land cover types in Aceh (x2 = 160.4, df = 4, p < 0.001). During our study period, oil palm plantations covered 9.5% of Aceh's land surface but represented the dominant habitat type in 46.9% of the province's HTC cases. By enabling a better understanding of landscape variables and patterns associated with HTC, this study will help to develop management strategies to advance tiger conservation and support rural livelihoods in Aceh, one of the last remaining Sumatran tiger strongholds.

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