
AbstractThis chapter focuses on a gas-aggregation technique to prepare magnetic nanoclusters with controllable cluster sizes and size distributions. The review includes current research on nanoclusters, such as uncoated and oxide-coated Fe, Co and Fe clusters and clusters made from alloys, but special emphasis is on highly anisotropic Ll0-ordered FePt clusters, which are of potential interest for magnetic recording with ultrahigh areal densities of more than 1 Tera bit/in2. In particular, we discuss magnetic and structural properties of FePt nanoclusters and thin films. Another approach discussed in the chapter is to create cluster nanocomposites by multilayering with post-deposition annealing. The advantage of this method is that the clusters can be oriented along a desired easy axis. One example is L10-(001) oriented FePt nanocomposite films with a FePt cluster size of about 5 nm.KeywordsCluster SizeNanocomposite FilmHigh Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy ImageCluster Size DistributionFePt NanoparticlesThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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