
Energies, electromagnetic moments and transitions in light, nuclei are calculat,ed in t,he microscopic dynamic-correlation model (DCM) which is based on large correhted basis of Slateris determinants charact,erized by an increasing numbcr of core excited states. Microscopic calculations are performed for the magnetic moments and transit,ions of iBe and I3C. The magnetic moments of 6Li, 7Li, and iLi are also calculated. Further, rcsult,s obt,ained for matt,er and charge ra.dii of 7B~ and iBe arc reported. The overall results obt#ained for these light odd- and even-nuclei show that, t,he correct treatment of the Pauli principle and the diagonalizat,ion of large dimensional spaces are not compat,ible with the simple picture generatled by cluster models.

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