
The web usage mining uses data mining techniques to discover interesting usage patterns from web data. Web personalization uses web usage mining techniques for the process of customization. Customization involves knowledge acquisition done by analysis of user's navigational behavior. A user when goes online would like to get the links which suits his requirements or usage in the website he visits. The next business requirement in the online industry will be personalizing/customizing the web page fulfilling for each individuals requirement. The personalization of the web page will involve clustering of different web pages having common usage pattern. As the size of the cluster goes on increasing due to increase in users or growth of interest of users it will become inevitable need to optimize the clusters. This paper proposes a cluster optimizing methodology based on ants nestmate recognition ability and is used for eliminating the data redundancies that may occur after the clustering done by the web usage mining methods. For clustering an ART1-neural network based approach is used. “AntNestmate approach for cluster optimization” is presented to personalize web page clusters of target users.

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