
Due to the need for clustering of the tourist, cultural and museum environment, the need for scientific research among cultural scientists, museologists and other researchers has increased. The relevance of the article is due to the need for analyze cluster initiatives in the context of the transformation of individual museums into museum clusters. The object of the study is the regional museum environment. The subject of the study is the museums clusterization as a tool for the formation of a museum clusters. The purpose of the article is to study the cluster initiatives in the process of forming a museum cluster. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were defined: 1. consider the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of cluster initiatives; 2. analyze the factors of participants' interest in creating a museum cluster; 3. identify elements that negatively affect the creation and functioning of museum clusters. General scientific research methods, such as the method of analysis and synthesis, were used in the research. The method of scientific forecasting was also applied to create cluster initiatives in the museum environment. Despite the range of published works, which belong mainly to economic scientists, there are very few studies on the introduction of cluster initiatives into the cultural environment, which necessitates further study of this area. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the analysis of cluster activities in various branches of cultural life and the presentation by the author of the specifics cluster initiatives. The article considers a cluster as a special type of business projects based on the collective actions of their participants (cluster initiative). The concept of "cluster initiative" is also defined, the main purpose and objectives of cluster initiatives are highlighted. The specifics of its use in the creation of museum clusters are considered.

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