
Submit Manuscript | http://medcraveonline.com headache patients in the world on face book with over 5500 patients for some years now. It is a very cool family of patients and supporters of family members who suffer and all helping each other every day around the clock, year round. That’s what it’s all about… “The Patient” Respect, understanding, caring, love, support, advocacy and education. It is truly a close family of thousands of patients supporting each other to help get through the days and nights that can be so difficult to do especially if trying to cope alone with this or any disease that causes great pain and/or suffering. Support groups are nothing short of a family that can seriously relate to each other and the mutual struggle trying to cope with this or any severe disease. This condition that so many have no idea what it really is and just how much incredible brutal pain and suffering over 7 million patients worldwide endure. I have been a cluster headache patient for 43 years since 1973 starting when I was a 14 year old kid… Beginning as a chronic patient and having the chronic form for 40 of those years and three as an episodic patient. I know and understand what this disease is and does and it is horrific beyond imagination. It is absolutely terrifying and devastates patients, family and friends. Besides having the disease for so many years and being involved directly with so many patients every day for years has proven to me that we get a bit different overall picture of this severe condition than does the medical field in many ways, the main one being just daily life and living with the disorder. To say this is not a deadly disease is just not true and no matter the mechanism of death this disease is so powerful and so excruciatingly painful having multiple daily and or nightly attacks of such violent and unbelievable pain that it leaves many in a very desperate situation. Serious loss of quality of life is what this disease causes in many cases and is also now well known since the last several years to be a major cause of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), also causing severe anxiety, severe sleep deprivation, depression etc…etc…

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