
The reactions of $^{40}\mathrm{Ar}+^{45}\mathrm{Sc}$ are studied using the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model at various incident energies. The phase space generated using the QMD model is coupled with various clusterization algorithms to identify fragments. The obtained charge yield of intermediate mass fragments ($3\ensuremath{\le}{Z}_{f}\ensuremath{\le}12$) is fitted with power law $[Y({Z}_{f})\ensuremath{\propto}{Z}_{f}^{\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\tau}}]$ and exponential fits $[Y({Z}_{f})\ensuremath{\propto}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\lambda}{Z}_{f}}]$ in search of critical behavior. We also analyzed other critical parameters based on the moments and the charge of the second largest fragment. Our detailed study indicates that the extraction of the critical point of the liquid-gas phase transition is nearly insensitive towards different spatial-based clusterization algorithms, freeze-out time, as well as towards different binding energies at microlevels.

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