
The k-means algorithm is well-known for its efficiency in clustering large data sets and it is restricted to the numerical data types. But the real world is a mixture of various data typed objects. In this paper we implemented algorithms which extend the k-means algorithm to categorical domains by using Modified k-modes algorithm and domains with mixed categorical and numerical values by using k-prototypes algorithm. The Modified k-modes algorithm will replace the means with the modes of the clusters by following three measures like “using a simple matching dissimilarity measure for categorical data”, “replacing means of clusters by modes” and “using a frequency-based method to find the modes of a problem used by the k-means algorithm”. The other algorithm used in this paper is the k-prototypes algorithm which is implemented by integrating the Incremental k-means and the Modified k-modes partition clustering algorithms. All these algorithms reduce the cost function value.KeywordsClusterK-meansK-modesK-prototypesmixed data

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