
Although context-dependent DNN-HMM systems have achieved significant improvements over GMM-HMM systems, there still exists big performance degradation if the acoustic condition of the test data mismatches that of the training data. Hence, adaptation and adaptive training of DNN are of great research interest. Previous works mainly focus on adapting the parameters of a single DNN by regularized or selective fine-tuning, applying linear transforms to feature or hidden-layer output, or introducing vector representation of non-speech variability into the input. These methods all require relatively large number of parameters to be estimated during adaptation. In contrast, this paper employs the cluster adaptive training (CAT) framework for DNN adaptation. Here, multiple DNNs are constructed to form the bases of a canonical parametric space. During adaptation, an interpolation vector, specific to a particular acoustic condition, is used to combine the multiple DNN bases into a single adapted DNN. The DNN bases can also be constructed at layer level for more flexibility. The CAT-DNN approach was evaluated on an English switchboard task in unsupervised adaptation mode. It achieved significant WER reductions over the unadapted DNN-HMM, relative 6% to 8.5%, with only 10 parameters.

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