
Sixteen known 5-HT3 receptor blockers, including clozapine, fully or partially reverse the inhibitory effect of 1 microM GABA on [35S]TBPS binding, indicating that they are also GABA(A) antagonists, some of them selective for subsets of GABA(A) receptors. The 5-HT3 receptor blocker, ondansetron, has been reported to produce some antipsychotic and anxiolytic effects. However, no antipsychotic effects have been reported for a large number of highly potent 5-HT3 receptor blockers. Like clozapine, ondansetron partially reverses the inhibitory effect of GABA on [35S]TBPS binding. Additivity experiments suggest that ten 5-HT3 receptor blockers tested at low concentrations preferentially block subtypes of GABA(A) receptors that are among those blocked by clozapine. Wiley and Porter (29) reported that MDL-72222, the most potent GABA(A) antagonist described here, partially generalizes (71%) with clozapine in rats trained to discriminate an interoceptive clozapine stimulus, but only at a dose that severely decreases responding. Tropisetron (ICS-205,930) exhibits both GABA-positive and GABA-negative effects. R-(+)-zacopride is 6-fold more potent than S-(-)-zacopride as a GABA(A) antagonist. We conclude that the observed antipsychotic and, possibly, anxiolytic effects of some 5-HT3 receptor blockers are due to selective antagonism of certain GABA(A) receptors, and not to blockade of 5-HT3 receptors. We speculate that the anxiolytic and sedative effects of clozapine and several other antipsychotic drugs may be due to selective blockade of alpha1beta2gamma2 GABA(A) receptors which are preferentially located on certain types of GABAergic interneurons (probably parvalbumin positive). Blockade of these receptors will increase the inhibitory output of these interneurons. So far, no highly potent GABA(A) antagonists with clozapine-like selectivity have been identified. Such compounds may exhibit improved clozapine-like antipsychotic activity.

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