
The role of cloud services in the data-intensive industry is indispensable. Cision recently reported that the cloud market would grow to 55 billion USD, with an active contribution of the cloud to healthcare around 2025. Inspired by the report, cloud vendors expand their market and the quality of services to seek growth globally. The rapid growth of the cloud sector in the healthcare industry imposes a challenge: making a rational choice of a cloud vendor (CV) out of a diverse set of vendors. Typically, the healthcare industry 4.0 sees the issue as a large-scale group decision-making problem. Previous studies on a CV selection face certain challenges, such as (i) a lack of the ability to handle multiple users’ views, as well as experts’/users’ complex linguistic views; (ii) the confidence level associated with a view is not considered; (iii) the transformation of multiple users’ views into holistic data is lacking; and (iv) the systematic prioritization of CVs with minimum human intervention is a crucial task. Motivated by these challenges and circumventing them, a new big data-driven decision model is put forward in this paper. Initially, the data in the form of complex expressions are collected from multiple cloud users and are further transformed into a holistic decision matrix by adopting probabilistic linguistic information (PLI). PLI represents complex linguistic expressions along with the associated confidence levels. Later, a holistic decision matrix is formed with the missing values imputed by proposing an imputation algorithm. Furthermore, the criteria weights are determined by using a newly proposed mathematical model and partial information. Finally, the evaluation based on the distance from average solution (EDAS) approach is extended to PLI for the rational ranking of CVs. A real-time example of a CV selection for a healthcare center in India is exemplified so as to demonstrate the usefulness of the model, and the comparison reveals the merits and limitations of the model.

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