
ABSTRACT In this paper, the properties of Low-level clouds are explor ed with a Raman-elastic lidar. In particular, we examine two complementary methods to measure thin cloud optical depth (COD). The first is direct integration of Raman Derived extinction while the second method utilizes a regression techni que. We show that if we corr ect for aerosol influences the regression method for low cloud optical depth can be dramatically improved. Furthermore, estimates of extinction to backscatter ratio can be made within the cloud. We find that when the lidar ratio in cloud is averaged over the vertical extent, an S ratio on the order of 20 sr is found which is consistent with conventional water phase cloud droplet models. Key words: Low cloud, optical depth, Raman lidar. 1. INTRODUCTION Low altitude clouds play an important role in global climate forcing, weather and precipitation. Unfortunately, measurement of low-level optica lly thin clouds from space is very difficult due to low cloud optical depth and the fact that they are relatively warm. And it is still a big challenge to accurately measure and model their optical and microphysical properties in order to assimilate them into global climate models.

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