
Abstract: Cloud Function in the simplest words is a Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). FaaS is actually a family of the serverless computing category. “Serverless” means that the user can focus on its application logic without dealing with infrastructure at all. Painless development, deployment, and maintenance of a web API is still not a turn-key solution, although modern web application frameworkshave improved dramatically in the last few years. Serverless is without any doubt a game-changer. The event-driven approach combined with a scalable and robust cloud ecosystem offered by the maintop cloud vendors opens endless opportunities. Cloud Functions is Google Cloud’s event-driven serverless compute platform. FaaS is a real NoOpstechnology, it completely abstracts away servers. Cloud Functions are developed with the sole purpose to build event-driven architectures. These can react to events like file changes in storage, messages in the queue, or any HTTP request. Index Terms: Cloud Computing, Serverless Technology, Function as a Service, LambdaFunctions and Functions

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