
The QR code was created to be used for data storage and high-speed reading applications. QR codes are used to connect important world products that have been tagged with a QR code to the internet. A new QR code with two storage cloud layers is proposed: a private cloud and a public cloud. The private cloud is imperceptible to typical QR code perusers. It can also be utilized for archive verification. It comprises data encoded utilizing QR code with a blunder revision limit, which assists with further developing the first record from a duplicate and the QR code storage limit. The public cloud is, in many cases, perused by many. While the public level is created by replacing dark modules with clear finished designs, the private level is created by replacing dark modules with clear finished designs. This confirmation is addressed by being aware of the print-and-scan process's used finish. The acknowledgement method is commonly used in both private message exchange and confirmation situations. The capacity limit is frequently worked on by increasing the number of code letters in order Q or increasing the size of a two-level QR code for secret messages. When the coding alphabet QR is increased or the pattern size is increased, the storage capacity is frequently significantly increased.

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