
Intense moist intrusions originating from the lower latitudes of the Pacific Ocean have been found to have a significant impact on the Antarctic Peninsula (AP), including enhancement of surface melt events, increased runoff, reduction in sea-ice cover and ice shelves destabilization. Clouds play an important role in the surface energy budget during these events and in precipitation formation. Precipitation phase and amounts determine local and regional surface mass and energy budget. Our  research focuses on cloud and precipitation microphysical and dynamic characteristics over the AP region, using  ground based remote sensing at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station Akademic Vernadsky Moreover, an enhanced radiosonde program was launched during the austral winter at the Vernadsky station as part of the Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) international initiative (May-August 2022). Here we present detailed analysis of one of the Targeted Observing Periods (TOPs) during an intense moisture and heat intrusion affecting the AP.Although there is a lot of research on the atmospheric processes over the AP region, the local dynamic and microphysical characteristics of clouds and precipitation are still poorly understood and misrepresented in the models due to the lack of direct measurements, particularly in winter.Further we performed  Polar-WRF model simulations, forced by ERA5 reanalysis and configured with Morrison double moment cloud microphysical scheme. The simulations were run at 1-km spatial resolution with 10-minute temporal output centered over the Vernadsky region. Simulation results were verified with precipitation properties derived from Micro Rain Radar-Pro measurements and radiosonde profiles. We found that there is  more snow in PolarWRF outputs in comparison to MRR-Pro measurements. Thus it does not represent mixed phased precipitation properly. At the same time Polar WRF shows warm temperature bias compared to radiosounding. Measurements and model output are used to analyze cloud ice and water particle distribution, thickness and precipitation particle spectra over the Vernadsky station and the AP mountains during the extreme precipitation events in the Antarctic Winter. In overall there were five TOPs over the AP region. However, not all of them were associated with extreme precipitation on Vernadsky station.Our preliminary results show the importance of the transition between dry and wet snowfall during intense moisture transport events at the AP (particularly remarkable during winter at the location of Vernadsky station). Polar-WRF shows differences in simulating the timing and intensity of such transitions probably related to the biases in temperature profiles influencing the melting layer height.

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