
Closure is offered by the original authors to discussion of a prior paper published in this journal (Volume 131, Number 1, January 2005). The authors express their appreciation to the discusser for his valuable comments and advice on rubble mound weir from various engineering points of view. The authors discerned that such various types of rubble mound structures are already in practical use for a wide range of engineering purposes in Australia, while their focus was on the problem of rubble mound weirs that are lower than rockfill damns. However, the authors were encouraged to learn that their study may provide fundamental information on rubble mound structures and that their work could be further extended in other directions. The majority of their closure to the discussion consists of 2 parts: the problem of rubble mound weirs with different types of internal and external structures (the in-built spillway dam and the stepped weir); and relating to hydrodynamics in the case of rubble mound weir with overflow.

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