
This paper is built on the premise that there is a leadership lacuna in Africa, accentuated by the exit of the legendary Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. The paper uses the performance of political leadership in Nigeria, to examine the scorecard of political leadership in Africa. The specific objectives of the paper were to: (i) examine how the performance of political leadership in Nigeria has created a leadership lacuna in Africa and (ii) make recommendations on how the performance of political leadership in Nigeria can lead to the closing of the leadership lacuna. The methodology for the study is logical argumentation. The theoretical framework is the elite theoretical framework. Findings of the study indicate that the substandard performance of political leadership in Nigeria has negatively impacted on political leadership in Africa. The most populous country in Africa (Nigeria), the paper recommends, must see the emergence of the needed new class of African leaders as a challenge. The Nigerian elite must see this as a national challenge. The paper further recommends in this regard that Nigeria’s government should reform and reequip Nigeria’s educational system. In addition, Nigerians must make democracy work. Democracy in Nigeria, the paper concludes, must crystallize into leadership for results.

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