
We have constructed chimeric plasmid vectors with the origin and intergenic region from M 13 phage cloned into the PvuII (pZ145) and AhaIII (pZ150, pZ152) sites of pBR322. In the absence of M13 phage, these plasmids replicate like any other ColE1-derived plasmid and confer both ampicillin and tetracycline resistance (Amp, Tet). Upon infection with M13 phage, the viral origin present on the plasmids permits phage-directed plasmid replication and results in high yields of single-stranded (ss) plasmid DNA in M13-like particles. This ssDNA, which represents only one of the plasmid strands, is useful as a substrate for rapid DNA sequence determination by the dideoxy sequencing method described by Sanger et al. (1977). Since these plasmids contain an intact pBR322, the intergenic region can be transferred onto most pBR322 derivatives to yield ss plasmid DNA without affecting the recipient plasmid for further studies. We also constructed a deletion derivative of pZ145, plasmid pZ146, that does not exhibit interference with the growth of the M13 helper, although this plasmid is encapsidated into phage particles. This result confirms the theory that the intergenic region consists of two domains: one domain being a segment involved in phage morphogenesis and the other being a region of functional origin which interferes with M13 replication.

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