
Lhx9 is a LIM-homeodomain protein related to gonad development and sex reversal. In this study, we cloned and characterized CS-Lhx9 in the gonads of the Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). The full-length cDNA of CS-Lhx9 was 3123 bp, including an ORF of 1149 bp encoding 383 amino acids which contains two LIM domains and a homeobox domain. CS-Lhx9 transcripts were primarily observed in the testis of male and neomale at 1 yah, but nearly undetectable in the ovary. During the development of gonad, CS-Lhx9 exhibited an increasing trend and appeared to reach its peak value of expression in testis at 1 yah. In situ hybridization was performed in male and neomale gonads at 210 dah and 1 yah. The results showed strong CS-Lhx9 signals in the spermatids and spermatozoa (germ cells). Methylation level of CS-Lhx9 promoter was higher in female and lower in male and neomale gonads, showing a negative correlation with CS-Lhx9 expression.

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