
We have inserted a gene coding for ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase) from Escherichia coli K-12 into the late gene region of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA and propagated the hybrid molecules as free episomes or by co-infection with an SV40 tsA helper virus. In the first case, the E. coli argF gene was inserted via the EcoRI and BamHI termini in the late gene region of SV40 and the recombinant molecules were used to transfect monkey kidney cells. The hybrid DNA, which was too large to be encapsidated, was replicated for a short time (14 days) but was eventually lost from the surviving cells. In order to allow the argF gene to be packaged into virions, we purified two SV40 vectors containing large deletions of late gene region sequences. One was a 3325 base pair segment from a HaeII + BamHI digest of SV40 DNA and the other a 2900 base pair segment from a HpaII + BamHI digest. The argF gene was joined to both vectors at the BamHI site and these linear molecules were used to transfect monkey cells in the presence of SV40 tsA58 DNA as helper. These hybrid DNAs were replicated and packaged into virions. Late in the lytic infection of monkey cells, polyadenylated, cytoplasmic argF transcripts were detected, but significant translation of these transcripts was not observed.

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