
Two clones have been isolated from a genomic library of the moss Physcomitrella patens and a cDNA library of the halotolerant green alga Dunaliella salina. The isolates contain genes coding for the major light-harvesting chlorophyll- a/ b-binding protein (CAB) in the photosystem II (PSII) light-harvesting complex (LHCII). The 2544-bp insert of the moss genomic clone contains the complete CAB-coding region and 5' and 3' flanking sequences. The coding region contains an intron of 359 bp which is spanned by a pair of 9-bp perfect direct repeats. There are two CCAAT boxes and five enhancer-like elements related to (G)TGG AAA TTT(G) (Weiher AAA et al., 1983) residing in the intron. Comparisons of the moss cab gene with sequences of light-inducible genes of higher plants reveal homologous and repeated sequences similar to the enhancer element in the 5' region upstream from the TATA and CCAAT boxes thought to be responsive to light inducibility. The 1256-bp algal cDNA contains the complete CAB-coding sequence, a 170-bp 5'-nontranslated region, and a 264-bp 3'-non-translated region. While the overall homology in the nontranslated regions is low between the cab gene of the moss and that of the alga, the 3'-nontranslated regions of the two contain some sequences that are conserved among the cab genes in higher plants. The deduced amino acid sequences of these two clones are highly conserved except for the N-terminal region. Their hydropathic plots are very similar and both possess three hydrophobic segments that are likely α-helical transmembrane segments. The proposed CAB transit peptide sequence of the alga is divergent from that of the moss or higher plants, suggesting that they may have evolved from different origins. Southern blot analysis shows that the cab genes in the moss and the alga, as in higher plants, are encoded by a number of homologous genes constituting a multigene family.

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