
Abstract As a member of the thioredoxin (Trx) system, the Trx1 gene plays essential roles in the pathogenesis of various diseases. The function of Trx in bacterial infections in the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868), however, has not been clarified. We cloned thioredoxin 1 (CqTrx1) from C. quadrangularis, and its expression was investigated. The results showed that the coding sequence of the CqTrx1 gene was 318 bp, encoding a polypeptide of 105 amino acids, contains the conserved motif CGPC (Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys), and was 75.24% and 66.67% identical to sequences of the shrimps Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) and Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), respectively. The CqTrx1 transcript existed in all organs tested, with the highest expression level in the intestinal tract and the lowest expression level in the gonads. Under the stress of Vibrio algolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, or Aeromonas hydrophila, the expression level of CqTrx in the gills was 3.1, 4, and 7 times that in the control group at 3, 9, and 24 h, respectively, indicating that CqTrx1 plays an essential role in shrimp antibacterial immunity.

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