
P1T10(GenBank Access No.EB102896),an expression sequence tag(EST) which related to fungal-resistant was selected from a SSH(Suppression Subtractive Hybridization) pool.The complete cDNA of T-Phylloplanin gene(GenBank Access No.DQ451214) was gained by RACE(Rapid Amplification of cDNA End) with primers designed according to the sequence of P1T10.With the EditSeq program(version 5.01) of DNA STAR software T-Phylloplanin was analyzed,the results indicated that it contained a complete ORF(open reading frame) and a protein containing 110 amino acids was encoded whose weight was 11.3kD and pI(isoelectric point) was 7.74(GenBank Access No.ABE03627).The homology analysis by BLAST indicated that the similarity was 93% between T-phylloplanin and the complete cDNA gene(GenBank Access No.AY705384) of a resistant protein from tobacco leaf surface.Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the T-phylloplanin expression was higher in mutant T-cldf leaf than in tobacco K346.

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