
The effects of clone and leaf position within a shoot on percent defoliation by a leaf-cutting bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), were examined. Seven Populus clones ( Populus × euramericana ‘Norway’, ‘Robusta’, and ‘Imperial’; Populus × jackii ‘Northwest’; Populus fremontii var. wislizenii Wats. ‘Rio Grande’; Populus deltoides var. ‘Siouxland’; Populus deltoides × Populus nigra ‘Italica’-14271) were tested for their susceptibility to leaf-cutting bees. Defoliation measurements were taken for each individual leaf position for one shoot of each tree for four sampling periods. A two-way ANOVA was used to test for the effects of clone and leaf position on defoliation. There were significant differences among the clones. Leaf positions 7–9 were more heavily defoliated than any other leaf position. Leaf position preferred by leaf-cutting bees varied consistently among Populus clones.

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