
AbstractThe metamorphic evolution of a granulitized eclogite from the Phung Chu Valley (Eastern Himalaya) was reconstructed combining microstructural observations, conventional thermobarometry and quantitative pseudosection analysis. The granulitized eclogite consists of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet, brown amphibole, and minor orthopyroxene, biotite, ilmenite and quartz. On the basis of microstructural observations and mineral relationships, four metamorphic stages and related mineral assemblages have been recognized: (i) M1 eclogite‐facies assemblage, consisting of garnet, omphacite (now replaced by a clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectite) and phengite (replaced by biotite +plagioclase symplectite); (ii) M2 granulite‐facies assemblage, represented by clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase and accessory ilmenite; (iii) M3 plagioclase + orthopyroxene corona developed around garnet, and (iv) M4 brown amphibole + plagioclase assemblage in the rock matrix. Because of the nearly complete lack of eclogitic mineral relics, M1 conditions can be only loosely constrained at >1.5 GPa and >580 °C. In contrast, assemblage M2 tightly constrains the peak granulitic stage at 0.8–1.0 GPa and >750 °C. The second granulitic assemblage M3, represented by the plagioclase + orthopyroxene corona, formed at lower pressures (∼0.4 GPa and ∼750 °C). During the subsequent exhumation, the granulitized eclogite experienced significant cooling to nearly 700 °C, marked by the appearance of brown amphibole and plagioclase (M4) in the rock matrix. U‐Pb SHRIMP analyses on low‐U rims of zircon from an eclogite of the same locality suggest an age of 13–14 Ma for the M3 stage.The resulting decompressional clockwise P–T path of the Ama Drime eclogite is characterized by nearly isothermal decompression from >1.5 GPa to ∼0.4 GPa, followed by nearly isobaric cooling from ∼775 °C to ∼710 °C. Modelling of phase equilibria by a calculated petrogenetic grid and conventional thermobarometry on a biotite‐garnet‐sillimanite metapelite hosted in the country rock granitic orthogneiss extends the inferred P–T trajectory down to ∼630 °C and ∼0.3 GPa.

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