
Na-metasomatic augite and aegirine-augite episyenites are hosted by subalkaline amphibole granites in the 1.644 Ga Suomenniemi rapakivi granite complex, southeastern Finland. In an examined drill core, episyenites are bordered by up to 50-cm-wide zones of Na-enriched augite-bearing granite in which alkali feldspar forms rims on plagioclase, and aggregates of augite and magnetite have formed by fluid-induced dehydration of hastingsite and biotite. In the episyenites, quartz has been partially removed, alkali feldspar (An<1Ab50Or50) and plagioclase have been partially recrystallized to granoblastic polygonal aggregates, and clinopyroxene (augite or aegirine-augite) has coarsened and been enriched in the aegirine component. Mass balance modeling implies addition of mainly Na, depletion of Si, F, Rb, Ba, Sr and 10–20% volume loss (by quartz dissolution) in the episyenitized zones in the drill core. Quartz-depletion and recrystallization may have been caused by several superimposed stages of alteration, probably related to voluminous dike- and A-type granite magmatism in the Suomenniemi area 10–15 m.y. after the emplacement of the Suomenniemi complex. Because of the coarse recrystallization textures and near-solidus recrystallization temperatures, distinguishing these fenite-like metasomatic rocks from igneous syenites is not trivial. In epizonal A-type granite complexes, high-temperature episyenites may be more common than currently thought.

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