
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its more aggressive form, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis are entities that are becoming more and more interesting to the medical community in general. A total of 93 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients (64 male and 29 female) within the age range between 28 to 63 years were studied. All of them showed elevated alanine aminotransferase level (104.07 ± 56.04). Aspartate aminotransferase level (58.13 ± 31.96) was elevated more than its normal level in 82% cases and AST to ALT ratio was found 0.59 ± 0.26. Predisposing factors were diabetes mellitus (37%), obesity (13%) and hyperlipidemia (41%). In addition, 32% of the subjects were overweight.18% of the patients had elevated serum bilirubin. Our findings recommend a lower cutoff value than suggested by the World Health Organization for overweight and obesity among this racial-ethnic group.

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