
An 11-year-old Fox Terrier dog was evaluated for a 10-month history of progressive exophthalmia and visual deficits in the right eye. Ophthalmologic examination revealed severe corneal fibrosis and pigmentation, which obscured examination of the anterior chamber of the right eye. There was decreased retropulsion of the right eye. Neurological examination revealed an absent menace response bilaterally. Pupillary light reflex was normal in the left eye. Due to the corneal pathology, pupillary light reflex was unable to be evaluated in the right eye. A retrobulbar mass with heterogeneous echotexture was identified using ultrasonography. Cytological evaluation of a fine-needle aspirate of the mass disclosed a neoplastic cell population consisting of round to polygonal cells with lightly basophilic to gray cytoplasm and round to ovoid nuclei having a coarse granular chromatin pattern. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a right-sided retrobulbar mass that extended through the optic canal and was contiguous with an extra-axial mass in the ventral right rostral and middle cranial fossae. The mass displayed homogenous and strong contrast enhancement. Following exenteration, histological examination of the retrobulbar mass was consistent with meningioma. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells stained positive for vimentin (cytoplasmic) and E-cadherin (membranous), and negative for S100, pancytokeratin, and cytokeratins AE1 and AE3.

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