
To describe the clinical and histologic characteristics of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) lesions and provide clinicopathologic correlation to determine clinical features that may indicate higher-grade lesions. Retrospective case series. A total of 612 consecutive OSSN lesions sent to the Bascom Palmer ocular pathology laboratory from January 1, 2001 to September 20, 2010. Pathologic examination of lesions by a single experienced ocular pathologist (S.R.D.). Review of pathology records and patient charts. Correlation of clinical factors and histology of higher-grade OSSN. Over the studied period, 33% of submitted specimens were characterized as mild, moderate, or severe dysplasia; 52% were classified as carcinoma in situ; and 11% were graded as squamous cell carcinoma. Characteristics associated with higher-grade OSSN lesions included male gender, biopsy at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, temporal and superior locations, lack of corneal involvement, papillomatous and nodular appearance, microscopic multifocality, and positive margins on biopsy. Certain clinical factors are associated with higher-grade histologic lesions. These findings may help clinicians more accurately evaluate and anticipate the pathologic grade of conjunctival and corneal lesions suspected to be OSSN.

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