
Objective: To describe the clinicopathologic features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ovarian carcinoid tumors. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed of all patients diagnosed with primary ovarian carcinoid tumors at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Centre from 2007 to 2017. Results: The histologic analysis of these carcinoid tumors revealed 3 were insular, 1 was trabecular, 1 was mucinous, and 10 were strumal. Histologic features of insular and trabecular carcinoid were similar to other parts of the neuroendocrine tumor. Strumal carcinoid was composed of thyroid tissue intimately admixed with carcinoid tumor, showing trabecular pattern. Mucinous carcinoid was resembles Krukenberg tumor. Most ovarian carcinoid tomours were diffusely positive with at least one neuroendocrine marker, especially synaptophysin (14/14) and CD56(9/10). The median follow-up time was 53 months, 1 patient with squamous-cell carcinoma of cervixrecur rence in vaginal after 37 months, and only 1 patient died of disease. The remaining patients were disease-free survival. Conclusions: Primary carcinoid of the ovary is a very rare low grade malignant monodermal teratomas and somatic-type tumours arising from a dermoid. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis mainly relies on the histopathologic characteristics and the immuno-phenotype. Primary ovarian carcinoid almost always exhibit a benign clinical behavious except mucinous carcinoid.

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