
A total of 4500 suspected mycoplasma infected swabs samples were cultivated bacteriologically both in pleuropneumonia like organism (PPLO) broth and agar of which 310 were found positive for mycoplasma infection. Biochemical characterisation and growth inhibition test with known mycoplasmal antisera revealed involvement of three species of mycoplasma namely Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma, 102), Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc, 124) and M. mycoides subsp. mycoides LC (Mmm, 84). The clinical manifestation of the pneumonia in goat were rise of temperature (40–43°C), marked depression, tremor, reluctance to move, painful accelerated respiration, cough, partial to complete closure of nostril, nasal discharge, anorexia, low tone bleating, recumbency and few cases of arthritis and corneal opacity. Haematologically, the animals were found anaemic, with leutocytosis followed by leucoponea. Blood biochemical parameters like total protein, albumin were found lower in comparison to control ones. Increase in SGOT, SGPT, serum calcium, blood sugar and globulin was also observed.Pathomophological study of dead animals showed congested trachea, frothy exudates accumulated in it and some cases of chronic tracheitis. Lymph nodes were enlarged and swollen. Most affected organ was lung. Pneumonia with unilateral or bilateral involvement was characterised. Pericardium and peritoneum were filled up with serosanguineous strands. Liver and kidney were enlarged with few necrotic foci. Histopathologically trachea was erosive, edematous and haemorrhagic. The lung blood vessels were haemorrhagic, necrosis of lining cells, infiltration with neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages were also observed along with thrombosis and emphysema. Liver found congested with involvement of central vein area. Glomerulonephritis and cellular infiltration in kidney were found.

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