
Background. Education in university is a special period which characterized by a high level of stress and stress. In recent years, the prevalence of adaptation disorders has been growing in the student population, which is a significant medical, psychological and social problem, adversely affecting the effectiveness of future professional activities.
 Objective – to develop a system of psychotherapeutic correction and psycho-prophylactic support during the period of professional education on the basis of a systematic approach to studying the mechanisms of formation of mental disadaptation states of medical students.
 Materials and methods. A comprehensive examination of 412 students of II – V courses of the Kharkov National Medical University of both sexes and aged 17–22 years was conducted. All examined were divided into three groups: 1 group - 215 students - were residents of eastern Ukraine; 2 group - 87 students - were residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, who entered the KNMU before the start of the ATO; 3 group - 110 students - were immigrants from the anti-terrorist operation zone. We used such research methods: clinical and psychopathological; anamnestic; psychodiagnostic and statistical.
 Results. It has been established that the structure of adaptation disorders is represented by depressive, neurotic, anxious and dissociative syndrome complexes. Based on the obtained data, we have developed a system of medical and psychological support for a medical student during the education period, which provides for the use of complex psychotherapeutic, psycho-educational and psychoprophylactic actions.
 Conclusions. The effectiveness of the proposed system of medical and psychological support has been proved. The positive dynamics of the mental state, the rapid reduction of anxious and depressive symptoms, the normalization of the emotional state, the increase in the psychophysical activity of students, the change of coping strategies to constructive ones have been established.


  • Education in university is a special period which characterized by a high level of stress and stress

  • The prevalence of adaptation disorders has been growing in the student population, which is a significant medical, psychological and social problem, adversely affecting the effectiveness of future professional activities

  • It has been established that the structure of adaptation disorders is represented by depressive, neurotic, anxious and dissociative syndrome complexes

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Education in university is a special period which characterized by a high level of stress and stress. Objective – to develop a system of psychotherapeutic correction and psycho-prophylactic support during the period of professional education on the basis of a systematic approach to studying the mechanisms of formation of mental disadaptation states of medical students. M. Clinical-psychological and pathopsychological features of mental disadaptation of students at a medical higher educational institution. Розвиток станів дезадаптації студентів у період навчання у закладі вищої освіти є вагомою медико-психологічною та соціальною проблемою, що несприятливо позначається на ефективності майбутньої професійної діяльності [6,7,8]. Корекції і профілактики станів дезадаптації у студентів, поряд з високим рівнем підготовки, мотивацією до професійного розвитку, є одним із головних чинників розвитку й ефективного функціонування вищої медичної освіти [9,10,11]. Вищевикладене обумовлює актуальність нашої роботи, мета якої – на основі системного підходу до вивчення механізмів формування станів дезадаптації студентів-медиків розробити систему психотерапевтичної корекції та психопрофілактичної підтримки в період професійної підготовки фахівця

Матеріали та методи дослідження
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