
To investigate the clinical treatment of infective endocarditis with vegetations in pregnant women and the outcomes of the gestation. Nine cases of pregnant women diagnosed as infective endocarditis with vegetations in Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2001 to October 2015 were enrolled in retrospective analysis. Consultations were held by doctors from department of obstetrics, anesthesiology, cardiology, cardial surgery and extracorporeal circulation to decide the individualized treatment plan for the 9 cases of pregnant women after admissions. Clinical treatments including general treatment, anti-infection treatment, cardiac surgery, and termination of pregnancy surgery were completed through collaboration among related departments. The clinical characters, therapeutic regimens, maternal and neonatal outcomes of the 9 cases were analyzed. (1) Clinical characters: the ages of the 9 cases of pregnant women were from 25 to 36 years old. The onset gestational ages were from 19 to 36 weeks. fever, cough, sputum and progressive anemia were the main symptoms. Patients had cyanosis of lips, could not lie on the back or even be orthopnea, when heart failure happened. Heart murmur was audible and splenomegaly was touched in physical examination. Blood cultures were positive. Basic heart disease types: 7 cases of congenital heart diseases included 2 cases of aortic insufficiency, 1 case of mitral insufficiency, 1 case of patent ductus arteriosus, 1 case of right ventricular outflow tract stenosis and 2 cases of ventricular septal defect.Two cases of rheumatic heart diseases included 1 case of mitral stenosis, 1 case of mitral stenosis after artificial disc changed and jammed. According to endocardial vegetations attached position there were 3 cases of mitral valve vegetations, 2 cases of pulmonary valve vegetations, 3 cases of aortic vegetations and 1 case of right ventricular outflow tract neoplasm. Preoperative heart function classification: 1 case of level Ⅱ, 3 cases of level Ⅲ, 5 cases of level Ⅳ. (2) TREATMENTS: general treatment included oxygen uptake, rest in bed, cardiac strengthen and diuretic therapy, etc. Combined and adequate antibiotics were applied in anti-infection treatment according to drug sensitive test. Nine cases of pregnant women were all performed surgical treatment of heart diseases and removal of the endocardial vegetations. Caesarean sections were performed for 2 cases in second trimester and for 7 cases in last trimester. Cardiac surgery and caesarean section were operated in 6 cases at the same time among 22-34 weeks of pregnancy. Cardiac surgery were respectively operated in 2 cases 11 days and 32 days after the caesarean section at 33, 37 weeks of pregnancy. While Cardiac surgery was operated (at 26 weeks of pregnancy) before the caesarean section (at 37 weeks of pregnancy) in another 1 case. (3) Maternal and neonatal outcomes: 7 cases of pregnant women were rescued successfully, while 2 cases of pregnant women were death. Postoperative heart function classification: 1 case of level Ⅰ, 2 cases of level Ⅱ, 4 cases of level Ⅲ and 2 cases of level Ⅵ. Neonatal survivals were 6 cases including 2case of full-term infants, 4 cases of preterm infants. Stillbirth or neonatal death were 3 cases, which included 2 cases performed caesarean section in second trimester and 1 case of very low weight infant who was given up treatment by family because of severe asphyxia. Followed up periods were from 1 to 7 years with an average time of (2.0±1.6) years. Infants and young children grew and developed well during the period of follow up. The risk is extremely high of pregnancy with infective endocarditis with vegetations. But there is still a way to save the maternal and neonatal life by using a multidisciplinary collaboration formulation and implementation of individualized treatment plan and selecting the appropriate time for heart surgery and the termination of pregnancy.

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