
Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by an increased responsiveness of the airways to various stimuli. It manifests by widespread narrowing of the airways causing paroxysmal dyspnoea, wheezing or coughing. Most of the clinical features of Tamaka Shwasa can be correlated to the clinical features of Bronchial asthma. Shwasa Roga is the aggravated Vayu along with vitiated Kapha obstructs the channels of Prana, Udaka and Annavaha and spreads throughout the body and produces Shwasa. Acharya Charaka has mentioned two-allied stages of Tamaka Shwasa known as two sub-types i.e., Pratamaka and Santamaka. Sushruta and Vagbhata have only mentioned the name as Pratamaka, which includes clinical manifestation of Santamaka. Patients suffering from Tamaka Shwasa when get afflicted with fever and fainting, the condition is called as Pratamaka Shwasa. It is suggestive of involvement of Pitta dosha in Pratamaka Shwasa. When the patients of Pratamaka Shwasa feel submerged in darkness, the condition is called as Santamaka Shwasa. Tamaka Shwasa is having Kapha, Vata predominance. For its management Acharya’s have explained that those diet & drugs which are having Kapha Vataghna, Ushna & Vatanulomana properties are useful. In Yogaratnakara, Vasadi Kwatha is mentioned in the management of the Shwasa Roga. Therefore, in this present study it has been considered as a trial drug. To en-hance its palatability and taste in children, Vasadi Kwatha will be prepared in the form of Sharkara. Vasadi Kwatha is a Herbo-mineral preparation. Contents of Vasadi Kwatha are Vasa, Haridra, Dhanyak, Amrita, Bha-rangi, Pippali, Nagara, Kantakari, Marich Most of the drugs are Ushna and Vata Kaphashamaka in property.

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