
Foot and mouth disease is one of the economically important viral diseases of cattle resulting in high mortalities in young calves and reduction of production in adult animals. Egypt was endemic with serotypes O and A till march 2012 outbreak where serotype SAT2/2012 was isolated and resulted in high mortalities in young calves and adult cattle. Our study was carried out during 2012 FMD outbreak on 22 adult cattle with clinical picture suggesting FMD infection. Saliva, tongue epithelium and vesicular fluids were collected from clinically affected animals and FMD serotype SAT2/2012 was isolated from all animals. Hematological and biochemical examination was carried out on affected animals and revealed that, there's significant reduction in total protein, albumin, globulin, cholesterol and calcium. CPK level was increased in 3 samples out of 22 samples which is an indication of the degenerative effect of SAT2/2012 on the myocardium. Postmortem and histopathological examinations were carried out on the heart of died adult animals and compared with the heart of young calves died from FMD during 2012 outbreak. There's grayish white small foci of necrosis present mainly at heart base, these areas were friable and appeared as cooked and pale. There's hyaline degeneration and zenker's necrosis of some myocytes. There were myolysis and complete disappearance of some myocytes with presence of large numbers of mononuclear cells infiltration.

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