
Hypertension (HT) is one of the most vital modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and peripheral vascular disease. Data from HT trials indicate that most subjects need combination therapy to achieve sufficient BP control and in only 50% of trials, this goal was achieved. Addressing the contributory factors is the need of the hour rather than controlling blood pressure (BP) level only. Here the Ayurvedic drugs are having a definite scope in the management. HT may be considered as tridoshaja vyadhi with Vatha dominance with affection of the rasa and raktha dhatus. Ayurgenomics is having a crucial role in explaining how drugs can be used more effectively by targeting them on individuals of particular Prakriti.. The unique method of administering the drug based on the prakriti and dosha in any clinical condition so as to enhance the effect is termed personalized medicine and based on the judgment that the doshahara drugs when added to vyadhihara drug enhances its efficacy potential. Sarpagandha was added with brihat panchamoola, trina panchamoola and triphala in Vatha, Pitta and Kapha groups respectively. Methodology: In the multicentric study, 50 subjects each of Vatha, Pitta and Kapha prakrithi, satisfying the diagnostic criteria were administered with the drug, 6 gm twice daily after food, as per the dosha status for 45 days with BP assessments on 0th day, 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th day. Repeated Measures ANOVA was done for analysis. Result: The mean score reduced throughout the assessments and was significant at 0.01% level indicating the influence on prakriti in the outcome.

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