
Aim- To study the etiological factors leading to deviated nasal septum, to study the clinical symptoms associated with DNS, to study the prevalence of DNS in different age groups and gender and to study the outcome of surgical management on symptomatic deviated nasal septum. The study was done prospectively for 18 months Methodology- and retrospectively for 12 months which involved 60 patients divided into 3 groups of 20 patients each who underwent surgeries as follows: Group A- Septoplasty, Group B- Septoplasty and inferior turbinectomy, Group C- Septoplasty, Inferior turbinectomy and FESS. It was Results- observed that In Group A, 14(70.0%) patients had reduction in symptoms of DNS after undergoing septoplasty. In Group B, 18(90.0%) patients had reduction in symptoms of DNS after undergoing inferior turbinectomy along with septoplasty. In Group C, 19 (95.0%) patients had reduction in symptoms of DNS after undergoing septoplasty along with FESS and Inferior turbinectomy. There was statistically signicant association seen between reduction of symptoms after septoplasty and groups (p=0.044). The results of the study concluded that septoplasty along wi Conclusion- th FESS and inferior turbinectomy is the most effective surgery in reducing the symptoms of DNS post-operatively as compared to septoplasty and inferior turbinectomy where as septoplasty alone has minimal efcacy in reducing the symptoms post operatively

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