
With progress in the studies of blood coagulation, analysis of coagulating factors in thrombotic embolism has been advanced, and as a cause of this disease, enhanced coagulability is drawing attention of workers. There are, however, few reports on the investigation of change in antithrombin. In view of this, the author performed experiments on the change in related diseases, with the following results.1. On 132 cases, consisting of 20 healthy youths, 31 healthy old men, 34 hypertensive patients, 15 patients with cerebral 23 haemorrhage patients with encephalomalacia and 9 patients with myocardial infarction, plasma total antrthrombin activity (P. T, A) anb sernm antithrombin activity (S. A) were determined with a method devised by the author.On some of them, change in antithrombin valus after administration of fat was also pursued, and further blood concentrations of heparin-like substance and of fibrinogen were determined.2, The hypertensive group were divided into two subgroups-those with chauge in ST and T of electrocardiogram and those without it. In the latter, significant rise in S. A. over the healthy old men and other disease groups was observed. Also tendency of rise in P. T. A was noted, but significant difference.3. In the cerebral haemorrhage group, significant fall in P. T. A over the healthy old men and other disese groups was observed, but not significant difference in S. A.4. In the patients with myocardial infarction, there was significant decrease in S. A. over the other groups. Also in P. T. A., there was tendency of decrcase, but not gignificant difference.In patients with encephaolomalacia, no significant difference was noted either in P. T. A or in S. A., but there was tendency of decreasa.Because in many of the myocardial infarction group the determination was made relatively earty after the attack, and because iu the encephalomalacia group by contrast the majority was of aged type, it was concluded that in thrombosis due to myocardial infarction and encephalomalacia, there was decline iu S. A.5. In the healthy young men, P. T. A. showed positive correlation with blood concentrations of heparin and fibrinogen. Also S. A. had similar correlation, but lesser degree than P. T. A.6. After the administration of fat, P.T. A. was elevated in the healthy young men. In some of the hypertensive group similar elevation was observed, but in others there was decline. As a consequence, the general result for the hypertensive group was determined to be no significant change after the adminstration of fat. By contrast, all the cases of myocardial iufarction showed significant fall in P. T. A. after fat adminfstation.No cases showed significant change in P. T. A. after the administration of fat.

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