
Abstract Pregabalin Drug Interaction Studies: Lack of Effect on the Pharmacokinetics of Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Lamotrigine, and Valproate in Patients with Partial Epilepsy Martin J. Brodie, Elaine A. Wilson, David L. Wesche, Christine W. Alvey, Edward J. Randinitis, Edward L. Posvar, Neil J. Hounslow, Nicola J. Bron, G.L. Gibson, and Howard N. Bockbrader Pregabalin (Lyrica) is a new drug that has been approved in the EU as add-on treatment for partial seizures, and as treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain, in adults. Because many patients with partial seizures require more than one antiepileptic drug (AED) to achieve the best seizure control they can, it is important to determine whether new drugs for treating partial seizures may interact with commonly used AEDs. This paper reports the results of several drug–drug interaction studies of pregabalin and commonly used AEDs. In these studies, pregabalin was given to patients who were each taking one AED, either valproate, phenytoin, lamotrigine, or carbamazepine, to treat their epilepsy. Adding pregabalin to monotherapy with valproate, phenytoin, lamotrigine, or carbamazepine had no effect on the concentrations in the blood of any of these four drugs. Likewise, when concentrations of pregabalin in the blood were measured in these same patients, the concentrations were similar to those seen in the blood of subjects from earlier studies who had received pregabalin by itself. These findings indicate that pregabalin does not interact with any of these four common AEDs. The combinations of pregabalin with either valproate, phenytoin, lamotrigine, or carbamazepine were generally well tolerated by the patients in these studies, and when side effects did occur, they were typically mild to moderate and resolved quickly. Together, these studies demonstrate that pregabalin may be safely added to therapy with valproate, lamotrigine, phenytoin, or carbamazepine without concern for drug–drug interactions.

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