
The natural history of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer tends to be more favorable than other subtypes such as human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-amplified and triple-negative. In addition, the natural dependence on steroid hormone signaling has allowed for therapeutic targeting of this pathway and significant improvements in survival while maintaining quality of life: the two main goals in management of the disease. The sequential use of endocrine agents including the selective estrogen receptor modulators (tamoxifen), aromatase inhibitors (letrozole, anastrozole, and exemestane) and the selective estrogen receptor degrader fulvestrant has been the backbone of management for years. In the past decade, the introduction of molecularly targeted agents against intracellular targets such as mammalian target of rapamycin (everolimus), cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (palbociclib, ribociclib, and abemaciclib), and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (alpelisib) has offered patients effective nonchemotherapy-based options, which are improving outcomes. Although knowledge gaps still exist in regard to the optimal sequencing of these new regimens, they have expanded our repertoire of options for patients and have shifted the need for cytotoxic chemotherapy and its associated complications to later lines. Still, formatting a plan for these patients includes taking into account traditional prognostic factors such as menopausal status, previous treatments, disease-free interval for those patients with early breast cancer that has recurred, and tumor burden. To assist in developing this treatment plan, we will review the current data with systemic agents in the management of these patients.

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