
Later this year the National Institute for Clinical Excellence is set to publish new guidelines on the use of pressure-redistributing beds and mattresses. The Journal of Tissue Viability is pleased to report that it will carry a detailed report on the technical issues underpinning the guideline recommendations in the next issue. One challenge for those interested in whether beds and mattresses are effective lies in accessing some of the early trial reports. Back in 1981 this journal, then called Care-Science and Practice, carried a report from Mary Bliss that described her trials of alternating pressure systems performed in the early 1960s (Bliss MR. Clinical research in patient support systems. Care Science and Practice 1981; 1(1): 17-36.). This report is reproduced here to make this seminal material more easily accessible to today's tissue viability workers. It is important to remember that the comments passed on the various support surfaces refer to models available almost 40 years ago and may not remain appropriate for the support surfaces in use today. Some terms have been updated - care of the elderly is used instead of geriatric, and pressure ulcers in place of pressure sores.

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