
Background.The availability of drug-eluting stents with evidence-based clinical safety and efficacy produced in the Russian Federation is one of the relevant goals for successful treating of patients with coronary artery disease, including acute coronary syndrome. Aim To confirm clinical rationale and experimental feasibility of the first Russian drugeluting stent, Calypso (Angioline, LLC, Russian Federation), for the clinical practice.Methods.The study included four phases. The first phase was aimed at selecting the optimal stent platform with superior healing properties. Then, the selected Russian coronary stents based on the optimal platforms underwent preclinical studies. The third phase included the clinical assessment using optical coherence tomography (OCT) in order to confirm the preclinical results. The last phase was focused on assessing clinical safety and efficacy of the Russian coronary stent based on the comparative analysis of angiographic findings within the 12-months follow-up.Results.At the first phase, biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent showed superior healing properties in comparison with the healing score of 18±14.97 for Orsiro stents (Biotronik, Germany) versus 25.6±1.0 for Xience stents (Abbott Vascular, USA) versus 32.5±20.3 for Synergy (Boston Scientific, USA), p<0.001. The Russian stent consistently demonstrated a high healing profile in preclinical and OCT clinical studies. The results of the comparative clinical study proved the clinical safety and efficacy of the Russian stent that was similar to the best foreign stents. None of the differences in the incidence of binary restenosis were found between the groups (p<0.05).Conclusion.The biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent Calypso manufactured in the Russian Federation demonstrated superior neointimal healing pattern with no signs of chronic inflammation in the experiment. This stent reported high neointimal healing properties according to the clinical OCT study. According to the angiographic findings, the incidence of binary restenosis between the Russian biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent and durable polymer everolimuseluting stents was similar at the 12-months follow-up (p>0.05).

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