
Background and objectives: Bronchial carcinoid tumors are neuroendocrine neoplasms that range from low-grade typical carcinoids to more aggressive atypical carcinoids and, therefore demonstrate a wide spectrum of clinical behaviors, histologic features and outcome. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical profile, surgical management and outcome of bronchial carcinoids at a single centre over two years period. Materials and methods: Patients with a final histologic diagnosis of bronchial carcinoid tumor were included in the study. Evaluation comprised of clinical history and physical examination, postero-anterior and lateral chest radiographs, and computed tomographic (CT) scans of the chest and upper abdomen (including liver and adrenal glands). Performance status was assessed by the Karnofsky scale. Pulmonary function tests were performed routinely. Results: A total of 18 patients were included in the study. Out of 18 cases, 10 (55.6%) were female and 8 (44.4%) were males. Sixteen (88.9%) patients had typical carcinoid tumor and 2 (11.1%) had atypical carcinoid tumor. The tumor was located in the right lung in 11 (61.1%) and in the left lung in 7 patients (38.9%). Surgeries included 15 standard lobectomies and 3 bronchial sleeve resection. At one month post surgery, there was 13-22% increase in post operative FEV1 in patients who underwent bronchial sleeve resection while in patients who underwent lobectomy, the post operative FEV1 was 84% of pre-operative FEV1. Post surgery, all patients were in group A as per Karnofsky performance status. Conclusion: Standard care of bronchial carcinoid tumors is surgical resection, and the surgical approach should depend on tumor’s size, location and histology. IMC J Med Sci. 2023; 17(2):003. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55010/imcjms.17.013 *Correspondence: Farooq Ahmad Ganie, Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. Email: farooq.ganie@ymail.com

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