
Normal peritoneal wound heals smoothly without adhesion formation. Adhesion develops in response to factors other than simple peritoneal wounding. Local tissue hypoxia and ischemia of the wound appear to be important factor in stimulating adhesion formation, other causes are mechanical injury to the subperitoneal surface, intraabdominal infection and contamination of the peritoneal cavity by foreign material. A detailed history was taken and the presenting signs and symptoms were recorded. A thorough physical examination was done with special emphasis on the abdominal examination. Laboratory investigations included routine blood, urine and stool examinations. Total count and differential leucocyte count were done in appropriate cases. Majority of the patients with Ileal Perforation (37.5%) were in the age group of 41-50 years followed by 25% in the age group of 31-40 years and 12.5% in the age groups of 11-20 years, 51-60 years and >60 years. The mean age of the patients was 44.5 ± 16.32 years.

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