
Background: HIV seems to be a major public health challenges for all over the world especially in developing countries like India. Objective: To study the sociodemographic profile of people living with HIV/AIDS attending a standalone ICTC centre at Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College and Hospital Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh. Materials and Methods: A record-based study was carried out among the HIV-positive patients who were attending the ICTC center at Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, AMU Aligarh. Result: Prevalence of HIV infection was found to be 5.04% in and around Aligarh region. Males were more commonly affected than females with a ratio of 1.6:1. Majority of HIV positive patients (35.82%) belonged to 25-34 years of age group. Most common clinical presentation was fever (46.9%) among HIV positive patients followed by weight loss (36.88%) and diarrhoea (32.55%). Sexual transmission (61.19%) was the most common route of HIV transmission seen in our study. Most of the patients had a baseline CD4 count level below 200/μl. Conclusion: The majority of HIV/AIDS-affected persons were in the economically productive age group. The educational level, occupation, socioeconomic status, marital status, and affected region were found to be associated. Heterosexual is the commonest mode of transmission. Most of the patients reported at an early phase of disease.

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