
A 35-year-old male diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) presented in outpatient department of Kayachikitsa with the complaints of yellowish discoloration of eyes, skin and dark urine, generalized itching, pale stools. Reduced appetite, nausea and disturbed sleep as alcohol withdrawal symptoms since 1-month. The modalities of treatment adopted were Nitya virechana (regular purgatives) , Dronapushpi (Leucas cephalotes Spring.) Anjana (medicated collyrium) and shamanoushadhi (palliative drugs). The total duration of the treatment including follow-up was 80 days. After the comprehensive Ayurvedic intervention, there was a complete remission of symptoms with normal hematological parameters. Hence presenting this case is an evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in ALD.

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