
Introduction- Electric burn injuries represent a dangerous nature of injury in which disability is high and functional and aesthetic sequel are significant .A pathophysiology depending on voltage, current flow and resistance of skin. Aims And Objectives -1-Demographic study of electric burn 2-To study clinical profile of electric burn patients, various preventive measure to avoid electric burns , Role of fasciotomy and its timing benefits 3-To look management strategy and to determine prognosis of electric burn patients in presence of complication, how its turn in effects morbidity and mortality . Materials And Methods-The study period was January 2010 to December 2012.Only electric burn patient were included. Patient data were included in detail with references to their age,sex,mode of injury ,surface area, part of body affected ,hospital stay, occupation ,outcome. Results And Conclusion-The study of 180 patients show that electric burn injuries cause significant morbidity and mortality .Majority of patients were male from most active group of society 15-40 yrs age .Upper limb was most affected part of body and amputation were most common surgery perform .Early and adequately done fasciotomy has a significant role in electric burn injuries to lower the incidence of amputation in extremities. Proper education, communications and rehabilitation may reduce the social burden due to occupational hazards.To prevent this life-threatening event, measures should be taken by health-care officials and social networks to help educate the people about application of safety equipment ,proper communication in between electrical department workers and improvement medical facility regarding burn cases or early refer of complicated burn to higher centre, through every available means of communication. Kewords- Electric injuries, upper limb ,amputation, occupation hazards ,Prevention

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